Pre-Physician Assistant

医师助理可以从几个医学学科中选择自己的专业, and as such, your major can be just as varied. Biology and Chemistry are popular choices, along with Exercise Science.

但根据你的职业目标,你可能会决定主修一门外语或 International Studies to take your medical skills to another country. Bear in mind that additional biology, chemistry, 如果你选择非科学专业,统计学将是你学习计划中必要的补充.


Ambrose Advantages

  • Excellent Academic Foundation
  • Comprehensive Education
  • One-on-One Attention and Guidance

如果你正在考虑从事健康相关领域的工作,SAU有一个适合你的项目. 无论你是选择读研还是直接进入就业市场, 我们的本科专业旨在为您提供成功所需的技能.

Learn about our Master of Physician Assistant Studies program

More Information About Pre-Physician Assistant Studies


对医师助理项目的要求侧重于生物学, chemical, and social sciences.

每个机构对医师助理项目的入学要求不同, but all programs place a strong emphasis on patient contact. 事实上,项目通常需要500- 1000小时的与病人的直接接触. Many students obtain these hours in different ways. Examples include CNA or EMT, working in the field, interning, or volunteering in a variety of patient settings.


• General Biology + lab (BIOL 199, 200)
• One year General Chemistry + lab (CHEM 105, 106)
• One semester Organic Chemistry + lab (CHEM 207, 209)
• One year Human Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL 230, 232)
• Biochemistry + lab (CHEM 319)
• Microbiology + lab (BIOL 251)
• Statistics/Biostatistics (STAT 213)
• One year English (ENGL 101 + ENGL elective)
• Public Speaking (COMM 129)
• Intro to Psychology (PSYC 105)
• Lifespan or Developmental Psychology (PSYC 212)
• Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 324)
• Medical Terminology (HS 250)

个别医师助理项目可能有额外的要求. 阅读申请进入SAU MPAS项目所需的要求和先决条件

医师助理学校的入学考试是GRE普通考试. This exam includes questions related to verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing.


What will I learn?

At SAU, 我们知道学生需要什么样的教育基础才能被PA学校录取, 因为我们提供医师助理研究硕士课程.

大多数私人助理课程要求各种各样的本科课程,包括解剖学 & physiology, psychology, and medical terminology. Biology, Chemistry, 和运动科学专业的学生在获得本科学位的同时也要修很多必修课程. Non-science majors will likely have to pick up a few classes, but we make that easier by offering a list of summer courses, as well as some winterim courses, too. 你的导师可以帮助你制定一个适合你的学习计划.

我们建议您在与健康相关的专业领域获得一些实践经验, 我们的就业中心可以帮你找到适合你的实习机会. 该地区有几家大型医院和医疗机构, giving you many options to explore.

St. Ambrose is a university rooted in the Liberal Arts. That means we focus on academia and we focus on you. 我们鼓励探究、讨论、多样性和批判性思维. We also give you opportunities to contribute to the community. 你可以领导一个校园组织或志愿者帮助建造房屋,指导年轻人等等.


Scholarships and Grants


St. 竞技宝app下载安装提供优秀的奖学金和助学金,勤工俭学和其他经济援助选择! 全日制学生可以根据你在大学期间的优异学习成绩获得资格, 你在美术或体育方面的天赋或你证明的经济需求由 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The SAU school code for the FAFSA is 001889.

First-Year Scholarships and Institutional Aid 2024-2025

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.0 GPA: $24,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $22,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $20,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $18,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $14,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.49, additional documents and review required for admission.

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.o GPA: $17,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $16,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $15,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $14,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $13,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.49, additional documents and review required for admission.


Ambrose Advantage Full-Tuition Scholarship
Pell-eligible Iowa residents, learn more here

Fr. Welch Alumni Scholarship: $500 per year
Parent is a St. Ambrose graduate

Catholic Traditions Scholarship: $1,000 per year

Minority Scholarship: $500 per year
Ethnically diverse student

Athletic Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability

Fine Arts Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability in music, art and theatre

Faith Learning Justice Campus Ministry Scholarships: $2,000 per year

Scholarships are determined by unweighted GPA, and are renewable for four years of undergraduate student. 由于GPA变化而增加的奖学金将在3月1日之前进行审查.

State and Federal Grants, Work Study

补助金是你不需要偿还的钱,它们可以来自政府或私人. SAU直接接收所有的经济援助资金——包括贷款和助学金——然后将它们应用到你的账户中:一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. 助学金可以用来支付你的学费、书本费和住宿费. You must apply for grants each academic year. 如果你有任何贷款资金超过你的成本,你可能会收到退款. 如果你是第一次借款者,你的第一次付款有30天的延迟. 对于所有这些补助金,您必须完成免费申请 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it is available.

Iowa Tuition Grant
To be eligible for the Iowa Tuition Grant, 你必须是爱荷华州董事会规定的爱荷华州居民,并且目前正在或计划在符合条件的爱荷华州学院或大学(SAU符合条件)注册本科学位课程。. 爱荷华大学援助为爱荷华人提供基于需求的大学经济援助, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant.
Award: $7,500 maximum

Federal Pell Grant
根据你的家庭对你的教育贡献的多少,授予最需要的学生. The U.S. Department of Education sets a threshold. Then, when you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 它会计算你在这个门槛内的位置,并确定你是否有资格获得资助,以及获得多少资助.
Award: $6,895 maximum

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
You must file a FAFSA to qualify for a Pell Grant. This grant is awarded on a first-come, 已提交所有所需文件以供审查并及时完成审查的学生优先申请. If you are eligible for a Pell Grant or SEOG, the awards will appear on your financial aid award letter.
Award: $400 maximum

Federal Work Study
Must secure campus employment.
Award: $2,560

为打算在低收入家庭服务的学校从事高需求领域教学的学生提供资助.S. Department of Education or a state education agency). Review criteria and all details here.
Award: up to $4,000

Outside Scholarships

有很多机会从外部来源获得奖学金, here are a few websites to begin researching your options:

另一个建议:下次你在学校的时候,看看外面的公告牌 Student Financial Services 我们在哪里张贴更多的传单和申请外部奖学金.

Apply Visit Info


Admissions Office
310 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

Angie King

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